martedì 17 febbraio 2015

Yeah, yet another blog about records.

Kick-off disclaimer:

This unit will be devoted to the listing and reviewing of the record stores I've come across in the last few years plus the ones that I will (hopefully) visit in the future.

Despite the ease and convience of buying records online (be it Amazon, eBay, preferably Discogs or your favorite independent online vendor) I am still partial to thrill of the hunt: walking into a real store in order to get my hands dusty and inflict some damage to my savings is still, after all these years, what I live for.

I'll do my best and try to add shops a bit off the usual beaten path since the trendy ones are getting a lot of attention with all the VYNYLZ resurgence that's going on right nowadays and I'm sure they don't need anymore publicity.

I'm honestly doing this mainly for myself 'cause I keep on forgetting what this shop carried or where I saw that amazing selection of T-Rex 7"s so after all I thought it would be nice to have it all neatly lined up and that it could even be useful to others.

So yeah, send me your feedbacks, people.

See ya all laters for now,

All systems go

Blow the reactors.